Currently feeling sick, but hey at least I did „something“

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(wip) ihavenoideawhatI'mdoing.jpg

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Will I continue to Draw again or will I not for another 2 months. Comeback drawing with just basic coloring so I hope to remove this rust.

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So anyway I‘m currently creating something certain for something more certain. 💜
(This was the almost finished version. I added much more to the clothing stuff and hair)

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I really enjoy making these houses. The details are so interesting to look at. It is sad compression probably kills some.

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hehe i joined art fight >:) team Steampunk (ihavenoideawherethefancychartsaresomeonehelp)
username is fungusCakeUWO
(this specific one is an attack at my friend Smog!)

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So. I have just learned about the deal with rabbits sleeping with their eyes open then that scene from regular show came to my mind AND AlSo-

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I made this like a month ago, but meh (ignorethisplsihavenoideawhatamidrawing-)

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