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These Pokemon Do Not Exist

The fakemon AI was asked to generate "A poison and dragon-type pokemon". Here's what it thinks that looks like!

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Dibujé unos fakemons que generé de una página web.
Los modifique un poco y creo que quedaron nice 👌

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Then we have these which were the next designs for Bambear, Dampun and Sizzile before they became what they are today. has helped so much with Azirias fakemon

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I don't talk about my old concepts for my starters often, if at all, but man they went through so much to get where they are now. We even have a 4th starter for Aziria to choose from. Man...

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These Pokemon Do Not Exist

The fakemon AI was asked to generate "A fire, electric, and poison-type pokemon". Here's what it thinks that looks like!

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Fuecoco evolution concept
The name comes from Infierno and Cocodrillo. It's based on Bulls, (not because of the zodiac but because it's spain) and el coco, a Spanish boogeyman.

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reposting my fakemon from last year cause i think it's pretty cool. might remake its ref soon

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I wanted to redesign Wispeon

So here, it is. A bit simpler and more ghost like.

Wispeon: Ghost (Eeeveelution)

Wispeons are given a bad reputation, thinking they're bad luck. But their spiritual powers actually grant good luck to their trainers.

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These Pokemon Do Not Exist

The fakemon AI was asked to generate "A ghost, normal, and ground-type pokemon". Here's what it thinks that looks like!

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Another little line!
These are Fire/Grass Types, Plamp and Forgalant
Forgalant was actually created when I was asking for ideas for more Fakémon, and my brother used a random word generator to come up with Forge Houseplant.
Plamp also got a pretty severe redesign.

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Leon, the kid Kecleon.

“Has a white pigment that is not capable of camouflage; only its tail can change color. It develops its cloaking capabilities after evolution.”

Normal-type. Baby chameleon! 🌈

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Made a new fossil based on Hallucigina

Hallucibrian: Psychic Rock type

It's extremely old and has perplexed scientists for ages. Restoration machines could not figure out how to properly restore it until now. Some say it's immense psychic energy was the cause.

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These Pokemon Do Not Exist

The fakemon AI was asked to generate "A poison and ghost-type pokemon". Here's what it thinks that looks like!

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Después de atrapar al baboso de brazedril,me tuve que ir al desierto para atrapar unos gusanos conocidos como traga arenas, desde los ejemplares más pequeños hasta los más grandes de 20m de largo👀¡¡¡

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more fakemon content:

Murray and Angus are both gym leaders and academic professionals of a large city. Murray tends to the city's museum as the lead historian as Angus studies poison types and how they link to medicine and pollution.

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