//=time() ?>
@heyitsJaki @tara_avery @miekatilley @KarinWeekes @CourtneyWoods @bbattye @BioMaryKirby @SherylChee @Sylvf1 @akacaitlin @gaymerforever @cookie_everman @PatrickWeekes @ladyiolanthe @kristadb1 @RolaFett1 @hfxgirl @kristimingo @RebeccaGaunt @NatalieGarside @bhvide @trekkiemage @lizlet @ariaadagio @palelilspydr @StrangeApe @Hdharris_irl @ashworksco @EnfantSauvage @Velnna *cracks knuckles* YAS! I'm ready for this! Tagging
@babkitt @YinCiaoMei @YoruHime1 @Hobbeson @ScampiCub @portaltohades
New Side Chapter
3Tracks ¥1,000(TAX IN)
JACKET ARTWORK:嶺波(@nigellaand)
ICYMI: Our Studio Soundtracks #InternationalWomensDay @dublab radio show special... now online for streaming. Check it out! https://t.co/6PQoAbbhCG
tiny tracksuit/booty shorts doodle, my tablet crapped out on me before i could draw the shoes T 3 T
collab with @misspetals1
So ... i was chilling after a presentation, and as i put various Mario games' soundtracks to listen to, i kinda lost control of what i was doing *sweats*
Btw, "friends-to-lovers" is one of my favorite dynamics--
@mikkoukun #CampBuddy
Otographic Music設立10周年記念コンピレーションアルバム「Otographies」を本日発売しました。
Two CDs with 20 exclusive tracks, “Otographies” arrives today:
音楽配信サービス #Spotify に、CUL 8周年記念配信曲のプレイリストを公開しました。
So many great film soundtracks to list so here's a generous sample of my favorites. https://t.co/SrADGud34U
Characters I made while listening to different videogame soundtracks in a discord call.
🆕 Tokyo Ghoul [Original Soundtracks] by Yutaka Yamada, are now available on @Spotify
➡ OPs, EDs & OSTs : https://t.co/NSOmHCybNa
Don't use religion as a filler for the cracks in your relationship with God. He will come and break bread with those who open the door and let Him in (Revelation 3:20).
Watch #InFlickeringLight by @BishopJakes : https://t.co/KGU23tRaO6
It cracks me up when YC just has a whole Product Placement Episode
Instant Review
Bars of Death - “Morbid Funk” (Grimloc)
MVP: DJ Evil Cutz dan Sarkasz
Kelindan ekspresi politik ditaburi dosis humor pas lewat 9 tracks (plus satu remix) boombab. Menggebuki gendang telingamu bagai ayunan pentung isilop saat semangat mengganyang demonstran
this is hands down the best piece of neopets-related art i will ever draw, of my faerie krawk. it still cracks me up
camoufly - ‘life of lido’ | out now
you can’t miss this one. our very own @camouflybeats combines 17 (seventeen) tracks from @Lido into a mind blowing tribute to the norwegian producer/singer/multi-instrumentalist.
listen here: https://t.co/gYDD2syaFo