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Out this weekend at @CXCFestival in the Silk & Metal Bonfire Anthology, OLD FASHIONED BITTER SWEET! Here's a short preview:
I was considering doing a ✨new project✨for yurijam 2018. This was going to be about a witch who makes magic alcohol with encouragement from her literal angel of a wife.
Goth AF witch (PC) + familiar, manic sassy pixie (patron), bitter ex-familiar bureaucrat (patron)
Thank you to BitterTapir in my stream chat for this amazing art of my feelings towards explaining O11S so far.
テーマが秋と言うことで、秋らしいBitter chocolate衣装で😊
I can dream :'D
screenshot of the chapter 14 of Embittered Prince, you can read it on https://t.co/oANVXEZeJ1
#silviapilar #nineshiru #screenshot #anime #dream
【AGF情報】AGF2018 RedAREA<R-11>NiNO
最終日は、スプシュ沖田奈緒くん!BiTTERでROCKな衣装でありながら、どことなくやわらかな笑顔に沖田くんらしさが出ています。ふわふわのしっぽアクセも◎♥ #AGF_2018
#WorldKidLit month #19: A NEW YEAR'S REUNION by Yu Li-Qiong & Zhu Cheng-Liang. This Taiwanese import set in mainland China poignantly shows a common scenario in which a parent must work far from home and the lunar new year holiday is a bittersweet time to reconnect. @Candlewick
【AGF情報】AGF2018 RedAREA<R-11>NiNO
10日目は、スプシュ垣内秀也くん!BiTTERな垣内くんの可能性にも期待が高まりましたが、甘さ全開でお願いすることに。キラキラ溢れるアイドルスマイルが眩しい☆ #AGF_2018
„Shitbucks“ von Hion K. erzählt von vier jungen Männern, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten, und davon, wie sie ihren Weg zueinander finden. Eine Geschichte wie ein starker Kaffee an einem Sonntagmorgen, heiß, verführerisch und bittersüß! @Hion_k_
OLD FASHIONED, BITTER SWEET is debuting in the SILK & METAL Bonfire Anthology next weekend! Introducing the other main character, "Ai"; an android with a stubborn curiosity. A bartender with the ability to change their face at will who becomes invested in "Zombie".
Not all poison is bitter. Some of the deadliest poisons in the world tasted sweet.
#artofravioliii #art #artph #illustration #painttoolsai #behance #draw #drawing #fantasy #digitalart #huion #artist #creative #fantasyillustration #doughnuts #garlicbread
【AGF情報】AGF2018 RedAREA<R-11>NiNO
9日目は、フレップ羽白沙螺くん。黒も白もバッチリ着こなせちゃう羽白くん、今回はクールにBiTTER!BiTTERでもSWEETでも天使すぎて困るとは長谷川くん談。 #AGF_2018
I promote the bitter sweet budding romance of a new love!
Go get 'em @_CruelTeeth :D
【AGF情報】AGF2018 RedAREA<R-11>NiNO
8日目は、スプシュリーダー相川玲くん!まるで白馬の王子様のような、高貴な雰囲気が漂います。さすがはラブ様、ハートのアイテムがよく似合う♥ #AGF_2018
BITTER DARTS Now Playing Music『DJ MUTA / DAYLIGHT』select by 39
#djmuta #buddhamafia #daylight #mixcd #vinyl #bitterdarts #aomori
Good Ol'Bamboozle
A bitter old boy who only loves his money and his waifu