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Anyone want to do an A-Force group cosplay??? (aka Marvel’s all women Avengers group)

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Wanted to try animating my avenger ushi illustration (still image in comments)

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AVENGERS Spider-Man formally joined the rank of Avenger last issue, & now it’s trial by fire as the Stranger bursts on the scene and runs off with Nebula. The Avengers give chase, only to find out that she has stolen a powerful artifact from the Stranger—the Infinity Union!

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В честь сегодняшней новой серии дарю вам эту картинку! Дохуя времени на нее потратил.

боги фидбека снизойдите до меня грешного

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【Young Avengers

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AVENGERS Thanks to Sersi’s powers, when the universe mysteriously vanished last issue, only the Avengers & Co., and everything in their temporary HQ, remained in existence. Or so it seems at first glance; but what is this PolyDyne Industries building floating in the void?

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Well... versi Phoenix Force yang mempunyai hubungan dengan Odin Borson nih adalah hos pertamanya masa Zaman Batu (era Avengers 1,000,000 B.C.) dulu beb... 😅

So Jean Grey/Phoenix Force masih terlekat dalam cinta segitiga dengan Wolvie dan Cyke neways... 😝

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People don't know how important are Billy & Teddy for me, I'm really greatful for their creation and their develope since young avengers. Thanks , team and for all the work in empyres storyline. I'm waiting forward for more of them.

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Avengers Campus will open later this year at Disney’s California Adventure. No date was given. $DIS

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AVENGERS The Avengers have begun the long, arduous task of rebuilding their HQ: but the real story is a mysterious “atomic inversion” that temporarily voids reality... and threatens to do so again, perhaps quite permanently.

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* DAWN OF X 10 (régulière)
* EMPYRE 1 (régulière)

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— heading to the Avengers tower heeding the call to assemble.

Thanks to his super hearing he was able to listen to what had to be said from a distance. That by the moment he arrived, he was all caught up on the situation.

“Sorry I’m late...But I heard everything.”

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