It's THN 694! Featuring reviews of Sins of Sinister, Uncanny X-Men The Further Adventures of Cyclops & Phoenix X-Factor & MORE!

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It's THN The celebrates the legendary with back issue comic spanning his work at Marvel and DC! Featuring Flash Captain America JLA Fantastic Four & MORE!

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THN 681! Featuring reviews of Captain Britain and MI-13 Captain America Amazing Spider-Man Cassidy: Blood and Whiskey & MORE!

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It's THN 663, featuring characters who put their job right in their name! With of Sandman Detective Comics DC Comics Presents Comet Man & MORE!

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It's THN 611! Featuring reviews of The Flash Iceman & Angel and MORE! Plus, we discuss the Vision & Scarlet Witch TP with & !

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THN 591! Featuring our dive into events! New Year's Evil: Prometheus, Tangent: Secret Six, Girlfrenzy: The Mist & MORE! Plus, we 's Jack Kirby: The Epic Life of the King of Comics!

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