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Time to battle, come forth lucario. No way are we gonna lose 😁

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you thought it was mario.... but it was me!!

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either Rob Mcelhenney or Nathan Lane would be insanely better voice for mario... both of them would bring energy to the character that would retain the respect miyamoto imagines people have

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Bon. J'ai maté le trailer de Super Mario. Pour une raison amusante, grosses vibes de Fix-It Felix en regardant le gros plombier.
J'sais bien que c'est sensé être lui de base, mais Nintendo à tellement attendu pour pondre un film potable qu'ils se sont fait coiffer au poteau.

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my favorite mario. (sorry if the hair looks weird i’m learning)

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Se una persona conserva
il proprio cuore,dovunque vada,
non deve temere di perdere nulla.

Haruki Murakami❤️

Lo adoro anch'io Paola,ma forse non era il contesto storico giusto affinché vincesse lui questo rinomato riconoscimento letterario.

Buona serata a te 🌹 e a tutti 💫

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Just remember, you'll always have this Mario.

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Ya pasó septiembre el mes patrio. Ya podemos regresar a la programación habitual.


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Shen, el más guapo del barrio.

Extra con LQQ porque son tremendo combo jojojojo

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today is the day we see wahoo yahoo yippie man going all "it's a me, a Mario." in the most basic non Italian voice ever.
Daily 9// Princess Peach from Guardians of the Galaxy

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Por un lado ando algo emocionado por el trailer/teaser de Mario....por el otro lado.....tengo miedo....y mucho

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✅ illustrations various characters and scenarios

BITCOIN $ 0,003
US$ 150.00
R$ 300,00


✅ ilustração vários personagens e cenário.

BITCOIN $ 0,003
US$ 150.00
R$ 300,00

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Whenever I get a acne I automatically assume it isn’t what it appears to be and that I am in a scary stories to tell in the dark scenario.
As if I don’t have enough stress already, now I have to worry about spiders hatching out of my face.

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Hoy hace 60 años que se estrenó el primer film de James Bond, “Agente 007 contra el doctor No”.

En Notorious Ediciones lo hemos querido celebrar con “El universo de James Bond”, una completa guía con todas las películas de la serie y un completo diccionario.

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"It's a me, a Mario."

Frankly, I’m simultaneously excited and nervous for the upcoming trailer that’s coming out tomorrow… hopefully it’s worth something.

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