SURPRISE!! ☆(❁‿❁)☆ And don't shoot.

Sorry, this is really bad. But the guy’s expression in the original painting was too good to pass up; I’m pretty sure I made the same wtf face whenever I watched

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I don't do much in the way of but when I do I seem to feel the need to fuck the characters up somehow. So, here are my drawings of Chronic the Hedgehog and BeelzeBob Squarepants!

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opened me to gaming as more than a hobby.
Battle for Bikini Bottom showed me licensed games done right.
Half Genie Hero opened me to indie franchises as a whole.
Superchargers helped me appreciate Toys to Life.

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Here's how Sandy's tree looks so far. I'm duplicating brick-built spheres, and then connecting them with additional bricks.

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Gonna be working on my rigging, cant get rusty on also need a good piece for my portfolio.

Starting off Modeling!

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