Check out two of Phil Bourassa's different designs for Aquaman - one for the DC Universe Movie "Justice League" titles and the other from "Young Justice." Two very cool takes on one of DC Comics' biggest icons.

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That kid doesn't need any bondage gear to look sexy seriously *^o^* (though he will be bound anyhow... don't worry 'bout it)
I love drawing him, he's got dynamic figure

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Comics DC style for once ^^ so difficult to handle... Roy Harper and his clone taking advantage of the situation ! I'm watching lately

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En una entrevista Brian Michael Bendis comento que tiene planeado que Jon y Conner Kent se conozcan en un futuro cercano, ademas prometio que uno de los dos sera rebautizado y recibirá un rediseño.

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Gemworld se divide en dos al mismo tiempo que Dark Opal lucha contra los héroes adolescentes de Young Justice. Mientras Amethyst, Teen Lantern y luchan por su libertad, se revelan los secretos de Jinny Hex, la bisnieta de Jonah Hex.

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