did the w a 6 month old selfie about 27 years late but ah well here we are 🤷‍♀️
ig || bloodandpurpleink

3 5

loves Mark Schultz's artwork. I've posted more of it to than here, but this one is solidly sci-fi. The strange creature and the woman's spacesuit imply this is an alien world, but one with pyramids. Coincidence or home to the chariots of the gods?

10 45

I do & for 2 reasons:

1) I love shared beloved classics and new discoveries with you.

2) I hope you'll buy some of my novels, such as my latest one:


6 9

remember dawn and lucas? this is them now, feel old yet?

11 16


2 19

has run across lots of Mark Shultz work lately. At first glance, this look like a fantasy scene, but the crater-pocked landscape below, the oblong moons above, and the six-armed opponent make it clear this is ERB's Mars.

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reveals Jeff Doten's cover for my next book. The fifth book in the series follows two young characters introduced in book 4, opens with an airship battle, and a low-tech rescue only our heroes could perform. Expect a release later this month or in early March.

0 1

gives this graphic novel my highest recommendation. If you think they just don't make 'em like they used to, give Starlight a look. It's a fantastic, respectful modern take on the traditional S&P trope that never mocks or parodies the genre. Check it out!

3 3

devoured this as a freshman in college. It really isn't S&P since it's set on Earth, but the combination of a man from future America exploring an England reduced to barbarism is close. Since ERB wrote it, I think it's fair to make it an honorary S&P novel.

1 4

Thx to , , Sen for urging Gov to Your leadership matters.

, as chair of Women's Caucus, will you call on Gov to pardon Liyah and support survivors?


11 13

presents Joe Jusko's brilliant depiction of a boy discovering Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom for the first time. Give the kid blonde hair, make the dog a spaniel mix, and you've got me at 16 experiencing wonders I'd never dreamed existed before.

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