Receiver X Raghib in the Drang Armor Set [modified]
Drawing my characters in armor sets from the Souls universe.

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Receiver X Aten in Lucatiel's Armor
Drawing my characters in armor sets from the Souls universe.

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orignal character

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今天就到这,,,,orignal doll

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Finally finished with Tatiana's ref sheet! Mind you, anatomy still escapes me but I did pretty good! Proud of her boots tbh

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Character sheet for Lilly for my webcomic Bip and Bap


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Receiver X Walaa in Karla's Set
Drawing my characters in armor sets from the Souls universe.

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What's this?? A piece of work from school?? It's my animation 3 final that I directed! Wow! I'm so proud of what me and my team were able to do! Seeing the idea come to fruition has been deeply fulfilling!

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When ever shippers spots a potential ship
(Orignally made in 2017)

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so like I designed a tshirt my orignal Get it on Amazon

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Cause i'm in a mood! These are a few years old now and a little out of date, But for those who did'nt know my Oc Cc was orignally a Borderlands oc. She still basically is but shes got other thing I use her for here and there.

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cant believe they arent going with the orignal kid goku

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Hehe orignally i as planning to upload a comic, but them boom a hit of inspiration just chock me; so yeah these is howc carl office is
hope you like it
have a nice day

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I tried out a new line style, tell me what you think! Also I have region band soon and I’m a wreck lmao

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this is my ORIGNAL pokemon! He's so CUTE!! BE SURE TO RT AND LIKE!! :)

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