Jian è in serio pericolo ç_ç
Qualcuno lo salviiii!!!!
194: https://t.co/ni0VpAxjzS

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https://t.co/i2EVUJIDg4 Ultim’ora: forse c’è vita nei 7 pianeti da poco scoperti...

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Migliaia di persone continuano a condividere l'appello virale a : SALVIAMO I PARCHI NATURALI! https://t.co/rGw6vYp70K

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Art from the DnD game with With Salvia, Drok and Althea..All the feels.

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who remembers Salvic
I made them a week after Sylveon was announced for a PMD group (PMD-U I think)

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「逢魔の森 異能者の学園(リマスター版)」(Blue Salvia) https://t.co/8KOPY2lVKO 受け攻めBL百合ノマカプ自由自在のアドベンチャーゲームがリマスター版になって登場!

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本日発売!「スキャンダラスラプソディ(リマスター版)」(Blue Salvia) https://t.co/QjgnokDDfG 『スキャンダラスラプソディ』が最新のOSに対応し、リマスター版として登場!

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New work in progress by Salvia Droid. [http://t.co/wsMOC12gUa]

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Beautiful of This character in Italy was named only without surname ♡♥

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(italian transformation in Magical sparkling Armour, Protect Hearts!

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