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"... at whose approach,.. wandering here and there" ~ A Midsummer Night's Dream (A3,S2).

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Today I finished illustrating page 110/158 of Disney Hyperion’s ARDEN HIGH: Twelfth Grade Night written by and . I really cannot wait for you guys to get your hands on this modern take on Shakespeare in Fall 2022!

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'This is music that is at once pastoral, mediative, hypnotic but never self-conscious. An Island of Noise as literal as its title.'

lends his ears to ’s latest record; an evocation of a Shakespearean isle https://t.co/KXMH2zUby3

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Translation of Break Time: "Snow White" by Take-sensei!

There are 2 versions. One with Opera speaking normally and one with Opera speaking shakespearean😆
And I use shakespearean translator for that one🤣


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william shakespeare and galileo galilei

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Up in here 2 plays down, apparently I’m doin tragedies first

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If you missed me in Harrogate this weekend, and want signed copies of my graphic novels, fret not, they're here:


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Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Act IV Scene III

aka the dialogue exchange that I have not stopped thinking about since I first read it ten years ago

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Beatrice / "There was a star danced, and under that was I born”
Squiggle Face 152

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"Love is heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, sick and healthy, asleep and awake - it's everything except what it is!" - Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

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"But, come what may, I do adore thee so" -Twelfth Night A2S1

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I foresee with grief The utter loss of all the realm. Henry VI Part 1 A5S4

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Hamlet A5 Sc2
"Now cracks a noble heart. Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest"

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"That time will come and take my love away. This thought is as a death, which cannot choose but weep to have that which it fears to lose." ~ Sonnet LXIV.

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I really hope it's going somewhere worthwhile with the Shakespeare-esque ethereal voices at the start of EPs 1+2 because they're really hard on the ears!

I'm a bit short-tempered today admittedly, but I am otherwise so far enjoying the latest part of my Klein Marathon 😁

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"Call it a travel that thou tak’st for pleasure." ~ Richard II (A1,S3).

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Words without thoughts never to heaven go.
– William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Available on https://t.co/RylDPEmUR0

This is part of a growing collection of NFT art inspired by ability of code to generate thought-provoking art.

🖼️Colors of the Words🖼️

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The tempter or the tempted, who sins most?
– William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure

Available on https://t.co/RylDPEmUR0

🖼️Colors of the Words🖼️

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