Have some cotton candy-esque DIABEETUS, in the form of this mushy drawing I made...!

"Who's the gal on the left?": https://t.co/G4Atct1vnz

3 7

Key Animation: https://t.co/fO6jOkfHRK
Anime: Little Nemo - Yoshifumi Kondo Pilot (リトル・ニモ パイロット) (1984)


461 1772

[a3, revue au, azashifu]


32 30

this tastes terrible, shifu, but i’ll eat it for you

14 37

Saw this one tweet earlier with a Mario doll wearing a sweater. This had to be done, it was just begging for it!


2 6

SHIFUUU iwanttobewithyou 😭

114 256

shifu....!! 😢💙 i can't stop thinking about the movie, please watch it if you can! 😭

22 63

sometimes a home consists of a human (kinda) shifu and a cat disciple

155 399

Legend of Hei movie: Watched.
Wuxian is a good shifu... 😭💖

58 198

Illustrations by Yoshifumi Kondō (Comic Box, 08/1998) https://t.co/VIsj5J1tBl

45 126

Fate/Grand Order

A découvrir ce jour sur : "Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia" soit la dernière adaptation issue de la licence phare crée par Type-Moon.

Elle est produite au studio Cloverworks (Im) et dirigé par un jeune talent Toshifumi Akai (Shelter)

1 2

Boceto original a acuarela de 'Susurros del corazón' (Yoshifumi Kondō, 1995).

25 188

read Villain's White Lotus Halo the past weekend, n I'm ready to attend dashixiong n shifu's wedding with my kin yanxing 🤝

54 251

Suki na Shifuku!!🍇🍋

25 122

🧟‍♂️🧛🏻‍♀️🦹🏻‍♂️ No.31 “Higurashi When They Cry” (ひぐらしのなく頃に) Japanese anime TV series directed in 2006 by Chiaki Kon and written by Toshifumi Kawase.

It’s based in the murder mystery dōjin soft visual novel series produced by 07th Expansion.

3 2


▶︎Nerd Yard vol.04
18:00.start - 24:00.close
at 広島Bar111


18 11

So... All of my active watchers back at DA have accepted this as their headcanon. Not sure if the same will be the case here; but yeah, it's... Something alright.^^;


2 8