Not sure how many likes I’ll get, but hey, let’s give it a shot! If this does well, I’ll do this again with another character!

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Inspired by that picture posted last week, here's and spending time at the beach, with taking notes. For legitimate research mind you! Also had from cameo, because she WOULD do that...! Hope y'all like this!

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I don't think I've shared this one on Twitter yet, but seeing as it's Valentine's Day, sure why not? Typically there'd be more context here, but eh...


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In case y'all wanted it, here's some individual artwork of Mario and Airashi Furuya, from the 2nd promotional artwork of Super Mario JBX, my web comic series!

"Who's Airashi?":

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Have some cotton candy-esque DIABEETUS, in the form of this mushy drawing I made...!

"Who's the gal on the left?":

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Saw this one tweet earlier with a Mario doll wearing a sweater. This had to be done, it was just begging for it!

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So... All of my active watchers back at DA have accepted this as their headcanon. Not sure if the same will be the case here; but yeah, it's... Something alright.^^;

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Mario just wanted to give Airashi a hug; he's pretty short though, so that...... Yeah, this is really awkward...!

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I forgot to share this one with you guys; it's Mario & Airashi dressed as Sonic and Freedom Planet's Lilac, respectively. Uploaded 10/9/2018

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Drew my OC Airashi with the Fire power-up. Not only does it change the color of her hair, the entire color scheme is a call back to the original version for Mario back in Super Mario Bros.!

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I just felt like drawing Mario and Airashi in some J-Pop costumes, because why not? Hope you guys like the designs here!

For those of you who don't know who Ai is yet:

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