the dovahkiin, 5' of kick butt and stolen sweet rolls 🍩

1 3

Пожалуй, осмелюсь и я выложить несколько своих работ под хештегом
Люблю рисовать что-то и в традишке и в диджитал, зовут меня Ри и я пытаюсь быть немного художником.) Рисую своих и чужих ОС, чаще всего по тематике мира

0 2

1-him (Erethor) and his granchildren,,,, Aerandil, Arenir, Nerwyn
2-the grandchildren today

tbh i just want Erethor to be their father but TES timeline wont let me do dat (sobs)

1 21

Tbh this is probably one of my favorite styles to work with. I love stained glass

3 18

I can draw elves like the cool kids! (Just not very well or often >.>)

A commission for a my friend Tae-Rai on discord of their vamp daddy!

0 4

So here is my entry for the TESZine ( ) featuring fancy sload, fancy Syrabane and fancy king of Anvil! First time I participated in zine activity😳

11 96

My long-finished work for Tesbook zine that I may finally showcase. There's more!

53 222

Since Varelo has ADHD I'd like to tell about his stims.... Varelo likes touching and rubbing fabrics, the smoother the better. He also claps his hands when excited and hums his own melodies but there is also something else...

40 150

quick sketch of my kids Zakar and She'ph

i dont like the fact that vampires have non-mortal features like eyes and skin in their human form and werewolfs dont
so i added a fur on his ears and face and made his hair white a little

9 56

Exploring the idea that Eranar’s twin didn’t die but faked his death and of course the beach scene from Madagascar was the first thing that came to mind

39 168

✨ESO character commission for a guildmate of mine :3
✨I've got some more slots if you're interested in a commission like this, check this forms for more info :

5 23