fast paint-- first session with my Tabaxi Blood Huntress, the boss was a mutated demon boar. art for her soon

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Making acrylic standees for my DnD character Seb hehe (He is a human bloodhunter)

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When you return from your absence to your DnD party and the party has not only split up but the Bloodhunter got captured and the Barbarian and the Rogue got it into their head to fight a Mindflayer while you the Cleric is drunk at a bar..

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30mins till I finish work then time for a 6 hour bloodpoint grind!! Gotta love these double bloodpoints!! Come & get me killers!!!!

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My half orc I did for my zine. I loved this one a lot.

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something something about bloodhunter class (tq!)

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Here is a commission I did for

Really fun piece! Something more realistic than my usual vibrant warcrafty style. I hope there is a difference anyway O_O Hope ya dig it!


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First time i got to draw a bloodhunter ! they are cool =)

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“Keeper of the Gate” final illustration. You may recognize her from my recent bloodhunter designs based on the D&D universe.

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Check out, The MOST BADASS Assassin Vampire in comics ;) BLOODHUNT Payback is a bitch or A Debt in Blood.

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is almost at 5 500 & getting closer to the new 7 500$ Stretch goal ;)

BLOODHUNT: Payback Is a Bitch! or A Debt in Blood.


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What is ? 🤔 What if was turned into a vampire by Alucard from Hellsing Ultimate Abridged ;)

Now awakened as a vampire, Vincent rains hell upon anyone standing between him and the vengeance he craves!

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Yesterday, my Curse of Stradh adventure began! I can finally share with you all Saskia, my bloodhunter!
Thank you so much to for DMing for us and thank you to all the party for this amazing start of an adventure!

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4 Extra pages when we reach the 7 500 mark ;)

BLOODHUNT: Payback Is a B***h! or A Debt in Blood.

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What is BLOODHUNT ? 🤔 What if & Alucard

had a violent baby ;)

You miss good old Mature comics like Lobo, Sin City & Heavy Metal magazine, then this is for you ;)

No hold bar violence, not PC nor SJW friendly .

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Some D&D doodles I did. I tried to doodle/design my Bloodhunter’s Werecat form. Now how to make a more human/animal combo. I also tried (yet failed) to draw my bf’s Artificer on the potion spectrum. His name is Mickey, and he’s Irish.

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