Valla nunca o caso nunca muestro un proyecto en proceso pero esta es la excepción así que ay los tienen 💜💜💜💜

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I haven't been on here for so long lol
But I plan to change that! Have this little artpeice of a new oc I made recently. Don't have a name for her yet but I plan to change that-

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Well finally i Paint again and here is new OC Called Toschy

more are comming up soon!

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Well I kinda failed a MerMay but here's a mermaid I adopted from Miinnt on dA

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(New OC) The doctors told him he'd never walk again unless his lifestyle changed. But he did change. And now he's a marathon runner. He still can't do much else unfortunately but hey it's something.

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I don't know who she is or where she came from. But boy, are curls hard!


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Mucho tiempo sin publicar algo ;v;...
He aquí un pequeño dibujo de un nuevo OC!! :D

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New oc X3 her name is Alfa ~

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I made a new I already have so many OCs but what's one more? I'll name her soon!

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I would like to introduce my new adopted son Hyjo to the world. He was gifted to me by and I love him so much. I can't wait to watch him grow

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