Been a while since I made some but since I've been playing all weekend I felt like making some, hopefully the first of many.
Used the patterns on his armor that are only seen in the

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Torrentoise can launch a might spurt of water high into the sky, where it falls back down as rain 🌧️

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LA MAZMORRA ABANDON pone a vuestra disposición más de 700 juegos en descarga directa. ¡Regístrate ahora para poder disfrutar de todos ellos y estar al corriente de las próximas actualizaciones!

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Time to dive back into Stormblood!

With less them 70 quests left of second expansion, we venture further into the fight against [REDACTED]!! Come hang out and enjoy the adventure!

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The ladies Ellie finally met, thank you sister , I loved them.
,#codevein ,#game ,#pcgaming ,#ps4games ,#squareenixgames ,#bandainamco

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PORTES GRATIS en todas las compras de hoy en nuestra web.
Este te regalamos los gastos de envío a partir de 9,99€ ¡Oferta disponible solo hoy!

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Shrubhog's new THISTLE ability creates waves of spikes that launch towards you every few seconds.

This ability layers on top of his usual attacks, making him pretty dang prickly!

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Shortopod's new ELONGATE ability turns his stumpy little neck into a fearsome, fire-breathing dino neck! 🦕

You're safest when BELOW the monster, because the neck is so tall.

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This month I'm giving every monster a unique Passive Ability

Puffelant can INFLATE and bounce around the room.

Shooting the monster will slowly deflate it, increasing it's speed like a loose balloon!

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This INFLATED puffelant is slowly floating towards me.

"Back, I say! BACK!" 🐘

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Puffelant's new INFLATE ability lets her take to the skies and float around.

It becomes much larger too - great for intimidating foes.

What a majestic beast!

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Puffelant's IGLOO skill kicks up a defensive ring of snowballs.

They'll block enemy shots and can FREEZE monsters on contact.

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Puffelant has been given a brand new skin this week.

Look at her waddle around, isn't she precious?

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Puffelant has been given a lot of attention this week.

First off, I've re-skinned him to look much, much puffier!

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Three generations of ravens in a picture...we take birds offspring seriously here in Shores Unknow...

Wishlist on :

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This little fella has been touched by another Hypnoth's POSSESSION ability.

This sends it into FRENZY, boosting both attack and defence!

Target the original Hypnoth to break the possession.

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Hynpoth's POSSESSION ability sends out a spooky, black tendril towards the other monsters.

But what will it do to them? 🤔

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