画質 高画質

My precious boi Switch needed to have a new ref sheet of sorts and I wanna do that with most of my berserkers if not all! (The glowing one on the left is still him, he's a shapeshifter)

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The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader

0 1

"My Poor insane son...."
Professor Membrane in 3D! Had quite the blast making this dude!

3 15

[After LucasArts]
Vader Immortal ( , 2019)

1&2/ ZO-E3, art by

Playing this game this week: it's very fun.

4 22

Cuanto antes os hagáis a la idea de que Nintendo no es nada diferente a Sony, Microsoft, y Valve (Hago hincapié en este ultima), se os hará mas llevadero el devenir.

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Lum Invader (#ラム) from Urusei Yatsura/#うる星やつら! Both anime and manga hair versions.

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Darth Vader- another great art piece bu JB Casacop!

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Back for some more Dark Souls 3! And I got the online thing working. How many invaders will Tori face?


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Grown Dib and Zim designs from a lil' au I have c: Dib's a depressed millenial struggling to maintain a job.

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((hello sorry about the wait!! one tiny tax evader for u))

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No hay traducción ^^;
Créditos a malapache en Tumblr

3 19

I drew something! My hands are still pretty bad, so the coloring isn't so great. And I lost my brushes when I installed Windows on a new harddrive after my motherboard fried. All my stuff is on a hdd that isn't connected. Fun!

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-Habrá muchos flashbacks de Clone Wars.
-Hayden Christensen aparecerá como Anakin, vestido con la armadura de Clone Wars.
-Los nuevos guiones tratan sobre la caza imperial de Kenobi.
-Vader está interesado en la caza.
-Cody aparecerá en la serie.

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my character, shes a highschool paranormal detective wannabe, i based her heavily off of Dib from invader zim
i should draw a full portrait for her sometime 🤔

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