画質 高画質

The Name was created while I was studying the Anatomy of the Heart and the Lung, the design was created basically about my love of white wolves x3 A personal touch was given with some white markings that are on the same spots like I have in reality x3
And I love Sushi x3

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More style experiments! It’s really been fun studying the 50s cartoon style! I’m hoping to add some commission slots to my Kofi soon for this style so stay tuned!

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Another fanart, I’m slowly dying

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im fucking dying
imagine being sick in summer

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Hi! I am hobby artist, I cant post as much because I am still studying :,,) therefore really a few people see my art, I would be thankful if you guys could help so it can reach out to more people!

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Fallujahの新譜”EMPYREAN”から先行リリースされた曲”Radiant Ascension”をゴリゴリ聴いてます。前作”Undying Light”が正直がっかりで期待半分だったのですが新譜は名盤”DREAMLESS”に回帰しつつあるみたいで期待感が持てました。アルバム全曲構成が楽しみです。

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I'll go first 💗 My name is Dying! I'm a kemonomimi cat girl who loves the macabre, skulls, strawberries n creme Frappuccinos, and cute things!

I hope my streams are always cozy and lots of fun.

Thank you for any and all support. It means the world 💗


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Day 10 - Rivallry, the Fairy-Fire type Liberty Pokémon, fights with undying determination for the freedom of itself and others.

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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Tidying up the piece from earlier this year~

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When I was a student at Monash Uni, studying late in the library, I’d often end the day with a nighttime wander around the campus, taking long exposure photos. Today I had the opportunity to stroll down memory lane.

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Kreatorの新譜が爆裂にいいぞ。重くてカッコ良くて、ヤバイ。特に「Demonic Future」がバチバチに刺さる。

で、スタジオアルバムはどれが一番かを悩むと...やはり「Phantom Antichrist」か。

冒頭の「Mars Mantra」〜表題曲の流れで飛ぶぞ(ライブ盤「Dying Alive」が同構成だからさらに飛ぶ)。

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I'm thinking about dying my hair, what do you think?

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It's 2 AM and I'm currently dying
Hees some Charlie and Nick 😌

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wanna know a fact? the fact that im dying rn 😂 haven't even rendered and im already dying wow😳 met gala gold

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Might be kinda slow for art for awhile bc I have midterms coming up and studying is kicking my butt. Working on Luxiem prints but I'm so sadge I have to work slowly. I just wanna draw attractive men 🫠🫠🫠

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I don't feel like i'm dying so i thought I'd stream Pokemon Legend's Arceus! It's been a long time since I've played a pokemon game but all my friends loved it so I'm giving it a go!
Pre-screen up now!

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Okay I been dying to know this. Did either you or Suda51 have any control over which anime costumes got into the game or was it all Kadokawa? I just gotta know the Chifusa costume got into the game.

And man, I can't believe it's been 10 years.

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