画質 高画質

Taking a brief break from horror to illustrate cool, full page splashes reminiscent of '40s pulp adventure magazines. Click on the big red WEBCOMIC graphic at https://t.co/fxSBRIw6Py

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I know you think you've earned a big blowout party this weekend with all your friends after months of lockdown, but be like Captain America, everybody. Stay cool, keep your distance, and play it safe.

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I got the Daru Dayu SR I was missing from a gacha ticket, so obviously I went ahead and idolised her straight away ^_^

She’s so cool, I love her~

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”The wounds of war can be healed, but never hidden.”

Here are this weeks mods:

Seer Vestal by

Warrens Background Pack by GoblinMan Is Cool, , Smarmy Mormon Jesus and Kranot

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Sonic is my oldest friendship in my life. I love this blue rat with all my heart and I wanted to BE him so bad! He was cool, heroic and nothing got him down!

Real talk... I was sonic running before Naruto was on the scene. True vibes. https://t.co/YBexkm9q58

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Babs was funny and clever, Dodger was effortlessly cool, Tails could FLY and Rita was confident and again, cool.

Yeah I was doomed to furry fandom. https://t.co/dhxKY7KaoU

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I don’t like the art style that penders has but if the writing and story that he does is good then cool, good job ken.

Meanwhile bootleg scourge over here (aka scrooge) is just being a big penders hater and . . . that’s just really all ._.

C’mon dude just stop, please.

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Dudley's probably Top 3 Street Fighter characters for me. And Mega Man gave us Dread Joker. Sean's cool, but they kind of make him the Krillin of Shotos. Still, I agree for the most part.

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Yeah a King title could be cool, maybe a Attack name at least.

Though side note, how the fuck does this thread shit vibrate like this, the bubbles are like bisected spheres of different sizes glued together but it's a single thread

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Ayo, we just set up our Discord server. It's open to everyone to come through and share cool, fun, and interesting things with cool, fun, and interesting people.

▶️ Come through: https://t.co/hhZnlM9BY4

PS: Tyler is not apart of the server, sorry for false advertising.

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https://t.co/4XMyj6pX0S im cheyenne im 19 and i make weird looking, usually furry-adjacent art inspired by so many different cartoonists and fine artists. im cool, im normal, im half romanian, i lice in a florida, i drive a jeep

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I think like the black with green one the most. It gives him a good punk feeling to it.

The black and brown with the red or orange hair is cool, but it kind of makes it look like a form for Ganondorf from “The Legend of Zelda.” Ganondorf usually shares that color scheme.

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And the cities and towns, too!! Hell, even the dungeons have such awesome and memorable designs,, Florem and Caldisla are some of my absolute favorites!
Also, Party Chat was so so cool, the back and forth banter between everyone was hilarious 😂

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Brain in Nomura's art: cool, handsome, well stylized hair, an edge of mystery
Brain in his sprite: fucking nerd

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If an official BNHA poster doesn’t have to have clean line art to look cool, neither do you

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Pickett is so cool, oh my gosh! Love the design! 💜

This is my DnD character from my main campaign, Korin Galanodel! She's a moon elf cleric to Loki and she's kinda mean but she wants the best for the people she cares about and i love her 💜🌺

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Mornin for todays morning post have Hibiki petting Shirabe like a cat , Tsubasa looking cool, Maria and Chris judging someone and the zababies looking great😊

souce: https://t.co/uGqPG8mXwl

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