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In Olde English folklore, Bluebells were said to ring when the fairies needed to gather, but if a human heard, it was said to be their death knell, and so its said to be unlucky to walk on a bed of bluebells, because it will anger the fairies resting there.

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Some In Japanese folklore, the Iso onna are Siren-like vampires that sit by the sea waiting for fishermen. They appear as beautiful women in need. They drain the blood of their victims through their hair, which always appears wet. https://t.co/9nDHUyI8nB

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Our time together has come to an end, This is Crystal signing off. will jump on at 6:30 GMT to share more of your traditional stories and tales for See you soon! (Image: Rackham)

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A tale of insanity, ghostly apparitions and instructions for an "unlimited reign of crime" - issued from beyond the grave...

'The Testament of Dr. Mabuse' (1933) dir. Fritz Lang.

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"When the Forge is cold and the Glory is dark and the Wood is dust, perhaps the Wolf Divided will rest, but only until it can devour itself."

the 16th Hour is a God-from-Blood, the Wolf Divided, who unmakes, who unmakes, who unmakes...

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Some of the best-known Romanian tales can be found in a Romanian-English-French edition: https://t.co/nGJbm5pbZF

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In Russian wonder tales, a far off place is often described as the thrice-ninth kingdom, unfathomably distant.

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some mari lwyds and skeletons pics this week

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Ignis fatuus, the 'will o the wisp', once more commonly seen, often in oak woods, were also known as corpse candles. They were spirits, and could lead you into a bog. Natural gas, Now a rare phenomenon, due to vastly increased agriculture, drainage & irrigation.

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The Bamboo Cutter is a
Japanese folktale & one of many featuring a miraculous birth. Princess Kaguya was miniature girl found by an old bamboo cutter inside the stalk of a glowing bamboo plant. It was later discovered that she came from the moon.

Art: Hiroshige

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Raised by wild coyotes, Pecos Bill could use a rattlesnake to lasso a cyclone. He rode a horse called Widow-Maker, and his favorite food was dynamite. Naturally, he met his paramour, Slue-Foot Sue, while she was riding a giant catfish down the Rio Grande.

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The Panchatantra or The Five Treatises is a collection of interconnected animal fables for children. It's earliest version in Sanskrit dates to 200 BCE and the stories have seeped into the culture of almost every country in the world.

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The Little Mermaid, shown as naked & vulnerable by Rie Cramer.
Folklorist Virginia Borges writes that the story is about the dangers of accepting abuse or inconsiderate treatment in the name of love.

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I do remember...💕the beginning of folk
"Once upon a time, long ago, in the days when poplars bore pears and rushes violets, when bears would wrestle one another by the strength their tails, and wolves and lambs kissed and cuddled each other"

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There’s an Inuit tale about how the Great Father Raven hid the sun to punish people.His brother felt pity for us,so he turned into a leaf.The raven’s wife swallowed it and gave birth to a child,who asked to play with the sun,but instead returned it to the sky.

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Wayland the smith is a story told in Völundarkviða (a poem in the Poetic Edda) and Þiðreks saga. In them, Wayland is enslaved by a king and takes revenge by killing the king's sons and then escaped by crafting a winged cloak and flying away.

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Mary shouted, “Father or mother, sister or brother, I must have a skull bone and that’s all there is to it!”

Then she grabbed a skull and walked out of the dead house, slamming the door behind her’

A favourite of mine, spot the model... ❤️

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Hi! For the fourth one of my very own take on PH folklore creatures, it's our witchcraft, "Mambabarang" :D

Feel free to come join us on Komiket this Feb 8-9, 2020 at Megamall Megatrade Hall 2. I will be at Table 111 - ConArtists!

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The Fear Dearg is a leprechaun-type creature found in Irish folklore. Tryna play around with skintones.

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