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Emet loves to paint but everyone is telling him to do something else. As Emet stops doing what he loves, color disappears from his world. Emet will have to learn to listen to his own heart, instead of all the outside voices, to bring color back into his life.

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Shy Willow loves fossil hunting, but she must dig deeper to win Science Fair. Her hypothesis, birds are tiny dinosaurs, is laughed at. Her determination to prove it is set in stone, but finding fossils is the easy part. Finding confidence is the real challenge.

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Rex's roar scares all the dinosaurs, is there no end to his misery? He just wants a friend to help him, that help comes in the form of the 'Eeek!' bird, who helps soothe Rex's roar.

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A little girl's dreams of visiting the moon with her best friend are shattered when she realises he has left her. Our Moon explores the difficult reality that in loss, memories at first can be painful but if you let them in, they can help you find your happiness again.

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Croc cries “Ouch!” and tricks the other animals a few too many times. Word gets around. When Croc really does get a toothache, will anyone come to his rescue? Exploring symbiotic relationships in the wild with a bit of implied dark humor.

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THE STARRY STREAM: Can’t sleep? Take a ride on the Bedtime Boat, rolling through rainbow tunnels and twisting around jungles of dreams. Packed with adventure for the restless, and comfort for those who just want to snuggle!
(editors only please)

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Zaqueo Wants to See
A mountain lion ventures off from the New Mexican desert for the first time in hopes of finding the sea.

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Onslow is a little mouse with a big imagination and even bigger love of cheese. What happens when his favorite food goes missing and is replaced by something new and GREEN? Find out in CHEESE!

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Blue's cool. Yellow's brilliant. White is, what? He's never been chosen to be part of the scene in CHALK CITY. He sets out alone to make his mark on the world. Thrills and spills abound. Has he drawn too close to danger, and what is he still missing?

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When Finnegan pufferfish meets tough critic, Athena, he’s inspired to reel her in. He works on a masterpiece to impress her, but a lobster, shark, and storm threaten to scuttle it all. Finnegan must swallow his fears and persevere to create the true masterpiece.

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Kirby keeps popping up whenever J feels anxious or worried. He tries to ignore Kirby but it’s hard to ignore a fluffy blue and pink monster. Dealing with Kirby seems scary, but something needs to be done as Kirby keeps getting bigger.

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Mockup for a friend's game pitch, a game where opponents can become invisible, so you use paint to find them.
Tight deadline so still fairly rough.

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Bashful Petal's vivid imagination comes alive with her ingenious inventions. When 3 endangered animals arrive on her island, can that imagination help her make her first friends? Art by Mariah Terry.

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Creating pitches for existing characters. Total pitches created 982 Fantastic Four and The Juggernaut

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drew it, colored it, and lettered it. We only pitched it two places, and then I got busier with TV stuff and it fell by the wayside. But I'm proud of it! And hope to work with all these guys again one day. 2/2

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Wanna see something fun? Here are pitch pages for a project that never got traction called THANKLESS, about how the wife of the Secretary of State was secretly a secret agent. So while her husband was solving problems via diplomacy, she'd help things along covertly. 1/

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Rosibell’s Rain Dance.

Rosibell knew rain was important to the rain forest, but she secretly wished the rain would stop, and it did.
The villagers faced a problem. It was not raining. Rosibell thought she caused the drought and she sets out to wake up Mother Nature.

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My Grumpy Old Cat Loves To Wear Hats
Lili and her cat, Mr. Fluffy, don’t see eye to eye. He hates to play. Lili, a creative artist, draws a new Mr. Fluffy who will love her. In her make-believe world they have whimsical adventures. The fantasy however, doesn’t last.

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Billie Ann’s Empty Bag.
Billie Ann’s mom discovers her card isn’t working, they are forced to choose between leaving with an empty bag and using their bus fare to pay for milk and bread. She’s late for work, they must hurry.

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Kirby keeps popping up whenever J feels anxious or worried. He tries to ignore Kirby but it’s hard to ignore a fluffy blue and pink monster. Dealing with Kirby seems scary, but something needs to be done as Kirby keeps getting bigger.

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