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These Pokemon Do Not Exist

The fakemon AI was asked to generate "A fighting and ice-type pokemon". Here's what it thinks that looks like!

2 9

🟣 Encyclopodium: 103. PLUSAGE
► Generation: 2
► Category: regular
► Evolves from: MINILD
► Evolves into: CROSDULT

2 7

These Pokemon Do Not Exist

The fakemon AI was asked to generate "A steel, water, and psychic-type pokemon". Here's what it thinks that looks like!

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Say Hello to Popstick 🍭 looks delicious 😋 Fun Fact ✅ Popsticks head 🌱 sprouts an endlessly growing stem. This cycle can become a safety hazard; making it more prone to predators. It occasionally breaks it; using it as a weapon.

3 17

These Pokemon Do Not Exist

The fakemon AI was asked to generate "A normal, electric, and steel-type pokemon". Here's what it thinks that looks like!

0 8

spent the last week drawing and designing some fakemon based on ai generated results. i haven't tried making fakemon in a while, but this was really fun!

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These Pokemon Do Not Exist

The fakemon AI was asked to generate "A water and steel-type pokemon". Here's what it thinks that looks like!

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I forgot I made a Fakemon region so uhhh, take this

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These Pokemon Do Not Exist

The fakemon AI was asked to generate "A poison, psychic, and bug-type pokemon". Here's what it thinks that looks like!

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A regional poison type Buizel and his evolution Lethzel

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Last but not least, meet the Water Starters of the Amalop Region.

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These Pokemon Do Not Exist

The fakemon AI was asked to generate "A psychic and normal-type pokemon". Here's what it thinks that looks like!

3 15

I tried out an A.I based Pokémon generator and got this lil guy; I knew instantly I had to draw him! 😄 Anyone got any name ideas?

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I've been having a lot of fun with the AI fakemon generator lately. Here's a few fakemon design ideas it inspired!

3 15

Used this Pokemon generator thing and here is what I got:

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