画質 高画質

Holy shit, it's day 8. Like, I fully intended to do the whole month, but considering how forgetful I can be I'm pretty happy that I've kept the train going.

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おはようございます( 'ω' )

2 8

This batch of pictures from my backlog (and all next batches from now on) actually created with my current merged model. There is definitely some progress

0 14

今日のお題はいいお題だし、ついでにうちの子作ろう&飲み会あるし先に頑張るかと思ってガサゴソしてたが、中々難易度高かった。なんで八重歯にするとなんか咥えるのwww 趣味全振りの出力を外に晒すのは初かも。  

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