画質 高画質


0 7

The -evil ”Bill Barr" enabled… will not be 👉forgotten

Every time he speaks we’re reminded that he’s 👉rotten

17 21

A… d… date with U… Ue-sama?? F… Fine… As a Midai, who am I to refuse…? https://t.co/nPytTqqTAu

0 0

Us cetaceans are well endowed… so what’ll it be~~~? 🐳💋✨

🎨 - [ Art not by me but I can’t seem to get the name right 😅 ]

🖤 🖤

5 91

Can Okayu be considered one of twitters beauties?

Knowing my track record… no

1 1

“Black Blade”

Some faeries are able to tap into the magicks of old… in particular many Unseelie faeries can summon demons and bind them into weapons…

4 15

the deed… has been done…….

8 144

It’s quite the read, if you were ever interested…

12 37

He may not be killing more than I expected… https://t.co/AavLsfrtNz

0 1

Wait a second……. That isn’t a banana 😳

6 16

I said I would… if y’all got 50K channel points…

And you did

Come join me Tues at 4 PM PST for Blitzball and FFX!!

Hope to see you there~

3 13

Kasali,Orange leopard cat,Famous model,and…
Add it tomorrow! I feel sleepy😪😪

0 1

Allergy season is upon us yet again!! (+ Timelapse in the thread… what stripes on the jacket there were never any stripes on the jacket…)

22 25

Just saw someone post this image and…sir that is a pug skull? What point do you think you are making???

1 60

And now, Annabelle’s best friend… Tina ❤️ (character by ) https://t.co/wvhgv118Cq

9 52

I had drag myself out of bed. 😖
Noticed it was snowing and it’s cold. 🥶
But I feel the mood… 💪🏻
Music motivation…

2 6

she is the perfect design… round… mouth like this :x … not a thought between those ears…

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