画質 高画質

El humoristas gráfico, Ramón Nse Esono, a pesar de haber quedado libre de cargos, continúa encarcelado en Guinea.

13 19

El de era inocente y además se retiraron los cargos

¿Por qué sigue retenido en prisión?

¡Pedimos su inmediata puesta en libertad!


4 4

El de era inocente y además se retiraron los cargos.

😡¿Por qué sigue retenido en prisión? ¡Pedimos su inmediata puesta en libertad!

115 92

Retiraron los cargos contra Ramón Nse Esono pero éste sigue en prisión en Guinea Ecuatorial. Exigimos su liberación.

119 122

I will never ever EVER get over how beautiful the Halo universe is.

(Concept art thread)
Art by: John Liberto

8 44

What about
Don't get lost in the collective!
Stand out & fight for individual liberty. It's not too late to make a difference.


1 1

for February and voted by you guys (altho I'd have drawn her eventually lol she's a big fave of mine) everyone's favorite white orb pity breaker, Lachesis from FE4! tried to show my favourite things about her but i think i took a little too much liberty with the official material

81 130

Liberty has sailed and it will never sink.

TBH with you guys, I can't stop jumping around when I was doing this.
and looks soooooo sweet together
I was even diagnosed with diabetes after drawing. kappa

Commissioned by Lilypichu

107 1244

"Liberty Prime is online!"

353 1649

Something different, something subtle.

Something after a whole night of drawing stuff and now I'm sleep deprived.

15 213

it is finished
I took some slight liberties with Hustle's look though ^^"
check out alternate versions here: https://t.co/jxSDrv0mvP

4 18

Si en Charlotte Oven visqués a Espanya no el detindrien per ser pirata, el detindrien per portar un llaç groc.

9 33

🎊Wanted to make a raffle to thank all my followers!🎊🎉 

- Follow & RT to enter
- Ends Feb. 6
- No giveaway accts
- 1 winner (artistic liberty, can range from a sketch to a fullbody!!)
Examples below

35 26

In shops tomorrow: CALEXIT by , , , , , . "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." California Über Alles.

14 27

Hey i love your doodle so much i wanted to use it as my Steam avatar, i took the liberty of adding some colors

0 3

Ilustradora, diseñadora, muralista... Sus pensamientos y forma de ver la vida se transforman en ilustraciones oníricas, defensoras de temas como libertad, naturaleza, locura e instintos. ¡!

7 11

Su arma: un lápiz..su delito: críticas al presidente y defensa de DDHH


31 17

Súmate a la petición d libertad para el 5 meses en la cárcel injustamente acusado cuando su único delito ha sido ser un espíritu libre, q piensa, q escribe y q dibuja
FIRMAS https://t.co/nQbn2exO8S

14 11