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😍 Justiça x Liberdade (Justice x Liberty 😍 💞
#yuri #love #otp #amyscans #yurilover #manga #art #yurikiss #shoujoai #yuriaddict #animeyuri #girlslover #girlxgirl #yuriday #yuriism #yuriweek #yurianime #yurilover #yurimanga #kawaii #yurif… https://t.co/CSNIylEnlb
El humoristas gráfico, Ramón Nse Esono, a pesar de haber quedado libre de cargos, continúa encarcelado en Guinea.
El #HumoristaGráfico de #GuineaEcuatorial #RamónNseEsono era inocente y además se retiraron los cargos
¿Por qué sigue retenido en prisión?
¡Pedimos su inmediata puesta en libertad!
El #HumoristaGráfico de #GuineaEcuatorial #RamónNseEsono era inocente y además se retiraron los cargos.
😡¿Por qué sigue retenido en prisión? ¡Pedimos su inmediata puesta en libertad!
#LibertadEsonoYa #FreeNseRamon
Retiraron los cargos contra Ramón Nse Esono pero éste sigue en prisión en Guinea Ecuatorial. Exigimos su liberación. #libertadEsonoYa #FreeNseRamon #LibertadhumoristaEsono
I will never ever EVER get over how beautiful the Halo universe is.
(Concept art thread)
Art by: John Liberto @CaptFlushGarden
What about #me?
Don't get lost in the collective!
Stand out & fight for individual liberty. It's not too late to make a difference.
#CollectivismKills #Individualism
for February and voted by you guys (altho I'd have drawn her eventually lol she's a big fave of mine) everyone's favorite white orb pity breaker, Lachesis from FE4! tried to show my favourite things about her but i think i took a little too much liberty with the official material
Liberty has sailed and it will never sink.
TBH with you guys, I can't stop jumping around when I was doing this.
@lilypichu and @THEalbertchang looks soooooo sweet together
I was even diagnosed with diabetes after drawing. kappa
Commissioned by Lilypichu
Something different, something subtle.
Something after a whole night of drawing stuff and now I'm sleep deprived.
#OfflineTV #Liberty #Pixelart
it is finished @WonderWaffle93
I took some slight liberties with Hustle's look though ^^"
check out alternate versions here: https://t.co/jxSDrv0mvP
#drawing #fanart #art
Si en Charlotte Oven visqués a Espanya no el detindrien per ser pirata, el detindrien per portar un llaç groc. #LlibertatPresosPolítics
🎊Wanted to make a raffle to thank all my followers!🎊🎉
- Follow & RT to enter
- Ends Feb. 6
- No giveaway accts
- 1 winner (artistic liberty, can range from a sketch to a fullbody!!)
Examples below
In shops tomorrow: CALEXIT #2 by @pizzolo, @amancay_art, @BoyCartoonist, @CampbellLetters, @deezoid, @nisaface. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." California Über Alles.
@CzBacklash @ManeSix Hey i love your doodle so much i wanted to use it as my Steam avatar, i took the liberty of adding some colors
Ilustradora, diseñadora, muralista... Sus pensamientos y forma de ver la vida se transforman en ilustraciones oníricas, defensoras de temas como libertad, naturaleza, locura e instintos. ¡@izquierdoruizv! #achoLaISLA
Su arma: un lápiz..su delito: críticas al presidente y defensa de DDHH
Súmate a la petición d libertad para el #HumoristaGráfico #RamonEsono 5 meses en la cárcel injustamente acusado cuando su único delito ha sido ser un espíritu libre, q piensa, q escribe y q dibuja #FreeNseRamon #LibertadHumoristaEsono
FIRMAS https://t.co/nQbn2exO8S