画質 高画質

That's manipulation from Reigen, to keep Mob working for him but it's also a reflex of poor self esteem and insecurity without realizing it.

Anyway, I can fix him if I pegged him.

0 19

Reality manipulation?


Each time you Manipulate Reality, one random bone of your body breaks.

These cannot be healed by your power or any medicine, so you have to wait until they’re healed.

So if your skull or vertebrae’s breaks, you’re done for

0 0

Jjk! Warning spoiler manga

Kalo choso bisa jait tangannya dengan bl0od manipulation berarti ada kemungkinan dia bisa selamatin dirinya dari bolongannya sukuna kan? 😭😭

213 3283

i don't get how bridget became like this.
iirc and cmiiw, bridget being like this because of some sort of manipulation or abuse from one of the characters in the game. and yet, they use the character as--

how and why??? it's like gwen all over again. i just don't get it https://t.co/MayftgySoQ

8 122

< warning spoiler >

top 3 cursed technique paling "indah" di jjk! versi sender ✨

- solo forbidden zone
- sky manipulation
- ice formation

92 1025

GO/AU(age manipulation)

988 7339

A manipulation of MCX's face with De Lacy's new school uniform.
You can download the png file in the folder below:

506 3054

[#BuildTheWorldHC ,
The overexposure of dimensional manipulation takes a toll on the human body. The first stages of these damages are wounds that glow blue. These tend to be invisible to the naked eye, but as they cut deeper, they become visible to others. (1/3)

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