@jisunshines There's not a lot of original ideas atm since the design was born more out of me wanting a more sothis-y byleth (orig byleth is already super my taste LOL) but I did?? make a student design?? Young byleth?? LOL
I have for weeks wanted to draw Linhardt hugging a body pillow of Byleth, now I have and am stupid proud of how stupid it is. (Also Timeskip-ship because cnsknxjsncndn I love them.)
Byleth, wondering if followed Edelgard was the right choice...
#FE3H #FireEmblem
Finished male byleth and hilda today! Gonna turn them into buttons now. :) #FireEmblemThreeHouses
Jeralt and Byleth from Fire Emblem 3 Houses are Incestuous!
my heart has not known peace since i saw @deftharpoon's swimsuit byleth 😳 #fe3h
I'm gonna miss him.😢
#FireEmblem #FE3H #FireEmblemThreeHouses #FireEmblem3Houses #ClaudeVonRiegan #Byleth #claudeleth
Here's the full picture...
*Go hide in the corner of the room*
#FireEmblemThreeHouses #fe3h #ClaudeVonRiegan #byleth
Let’s be honest, we all KNOW Byleth is gonna be a future DLC character for #SmashBrosUltimate but it’ll be fun to speculate who the others will be.
#FireEmblem #FireEmblemThreeHouses