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El Juan Giménez, il·lustre veí de Sitges i artista extraordinari, ha mort al seu poble natal de Mendoza (Argentina) a causa del Coronavirus. El món és un lloc més trist sense ell.

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We are deeply saddened to hear the passing of Lord Gordon from His contribution for the people of Hong Kong will never be forgotten. May his soul rest in peace.
He will forever be missed.

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So sorry to hear comics Maestro Juan Giménez has passed away yesterday due to coronavirus. He was a early fave of mine (read his stories in Eternauta, LanciiStory, Comic Art etc) and def an inspiration for anything Fantasy and SciFi. Gonna miss him greatly 😢

342 943

Tripp a pretty stoked he FINALLY gets to be the star of the today on my YouTube ❤️🐶

Plus I’ve got another little Instagram live tomorrow and I’d love to see you all there! ❤️


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"Trump tests negative for coronavirus" - White House. "It was the best test ever taken. The most negative anyone could get. It was the negativest ever." - Immortan Trump

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Why no comment SA Premier & Labor leader ?
Why the secrecy about the American tourists who flew in to the Barossa Valley (via ADL airport
All previous info now redacted and "no comment"? https://t.co/z4cfZVRyi4

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It’s Corona Time! 😷 (thanks to once again! ❤️👀👍)

3 17

Que esta pandemia no te quite tu estilo 😷🔥

17 42

Lávense las manos shavos
No como yo, que creo que tengo coronavirus :’^]

(No es joda aiudaaaaaaaa)

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Juan Gimenez has left us. The legendary illustrator was a victim of Coronavirus. Please stay home.

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Murio Juan Gimenez por coronavirus. Dibujante argentino del mundo de los comics.

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Fenra is a land steeped in blood, lust and cruelty. Who will survive to rule its hellish society? https://t.co/naBsE4x9Dh

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Antibodies in the blood of COVID-19 survivors know how to beat coronavirus – and researchers are already testing new treatments that harness them https://t.co/VUdg8cMRgJ

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Richard Pini writes: You’ve asked. We reply.

Question: How does the current coronavirus situation affect the future of “Elfquest - Stargazer’s Hunt”?
Answer: The pipeline for new comics - from publisher to printer to distributor to retail shop to you -


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