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The following year he appended his birthplace to his name. In 1906 he convinced Emil Nolde to join Die Brücke.

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"Maybe with the right combination of esoteric junk and brute force, she'll see this through."
(knowing me I'd probably just run into a Kinoko Gatherer and die of anaphylaxis)

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i might die of embarrassment after this but i drew 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️ (-a.)

10 23

Wer kann sich noch an die Serie erinnern? Ich hab die früher so geliebt man!

1 19

Mahô à la Made in Asia, c'est ce week-end ! ⛩

Retrouvez-nous au Hall 4 - Stand J06 avec Sylvain Ferrieu pour toujours plus de mangas, light novels, et dédicaces !

Vous pourrez également obtenir Roll Over and Die en avant-première, mais attention, les stocks sont limités ! 👀

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Someone's going to die tonight for making Mumei cry

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Guys yk how I do daily kanomics til I die yea I didn't know her eyes are blue I. I jsut. Drew them brown this entire time. Guys do you know how muhc art I made for her [day 8,9]

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Lucas after seeing his mother die in front of him.

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COVID-19: Lungen-MRT zeigt Langzeitschäden bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Erlangen – Erkrankungen an COVID-19 können bei Kindern und Jugendlichen die Sauerstoffaufnahme in den Lungen auch über das Ende der akuten Phase… https://t.co/mWONRtcz4B

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tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!
Let’s go salaryman! Don’t die!!

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In the mood to post the somber drawing I keep talking about,,
This is about a bad ending AU-ish scenario for the Will brothers of what if they die in their game </3

(Oh yeah, dont ask about their masks I just wanted to draw em without it to show a bit more emotion)

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Not me spending two nights working on something for a Megaman X blog 👀💦

Old RP habits die hard I guess lol

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spider in the first place by Spencer Smythe. Smythe would die midway through his pursuit to rewrite DNA, but Alistair (his son), would perfect it, creating the Radiactive spider as well as the Goblin formula. He is also under the Hobgoblin's emply to create the Glider.

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Thinking about how much I would die for a SanrioxMysme collab lmao

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3. Midori from Your Turn to Die

bastard from yttd again

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Lore Post

Ever since being cursed and having my Male Form and Female from separated, we gained omnipotence. So much so, we really can't die.
If one of use were to die, we would literally regenerate from the tiniest atom. The only way to kill us to kill us both at the same time.

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Wir reden hier so viel über Dinosaurier aber natürlich war die Urzeit vollgestopft mit anderen, genau so spannenden Organismen. Fische werden regenmäßig übersehen wenn es darum geht was für faszinierende Kreaturen einst auf unserem Planeten lebten.

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1. Sou Hiyori from Your Turn to Die

yes this bastard 🙄 idk why he is my fav character in yttd but listen, HIS EVERYTHING makes me sobbing fr

btw umm i dont have any idea what is his hair color??? i might be so weak at colour?????

0 13

i did NOT wanted to draw the damn patterns, i will DIE if it depends on my LIFE
anuyways, new roblox avatar wpoooo

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