画質 高画質

my names uly! rn i do mostly OC and fandom. i like faces the most and comms are always open!

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Sometimes I draw something great.
Sometimes I draw something meh.
The spark that makes me draw some of my best drawings comes so random. I wish I could just know what I’m doing.

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Made these yesterday out of boredom... Idle hands are the devil's workshop... Stay busy, folks.

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Essa é a Íris, depois de outro redesign 💙

Logo vai ter lorezinha dela, eu tô trabalhando bastante nesse AU ultimamente!

Íris é uma garota especial, portadora do Dom. Ela pode se comunicar empaticamente com animais e plantas, entre outras habilidades que ainda vou revelar :>

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I'm in the middle of an internal battle regarding art styles. I have been told I have to choose one style. But I enjoy experimenting in more than one style. That's my freedom. Any thought on this?

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I am back, kind of - some things will change, please refer to the screencaps below.

Thank you to everyone who reached out to me during my hiatus. I love you all dearly, and I want to continue being a part of this fandom. 💜

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Thank you for the opportunity! Here’s my dorky candy fox.

I think a playful smirk with a little blep would be adorable, but I’m open for any artistic freedom.

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The illuminated minds who wrote the ancient texts lived in the "forest". attributing it as the source of their wisdom.
Shiva as Kailash or Vishnu as ocean, Goddess as the forest herself.
Our love for these stories should endeavor to protect nature full heartedly.

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So, I had an art assignment back in art to draw a heard and thanks to Bruno's moment, I made this. An now, three months later, I redid it on my tablet cause boredom... Tell me which one is better

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Some NPCs I've done for 's campaigns, specifically Freedom. Nim and Maleros.

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Should I make one for svsss and tgcf too?🤔

Jfc mdzs is a cult fandom. I can't stop thinking of wangxianwangxianwangxian🤦🏻‍♀️

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older art of my yoshi sona, who lives in the koopa kingdom. can you tell i like pink? 💖

(character uses he/him pronouns)

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Let's talk about FAQs about SLBP gathering for the new and loyal fans of the game!

What is a gathering?
- A gathering is a mini event that caters a small group of fans which focuses in a specific fandom.

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Tomorrow is a big day for the fandom.... in celebration, here is a super quick, sketchy and messy Boi

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2014 was a great time to be alive for the stevebucky fandom. i miss it.

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Random. It's an unknown oc. Lmao.

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The original design was based on a Grecian column and mirrors the design of the Moon Kingdom.

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To embrace the whole world
in friendship is wisdom.
This wisdom is not changeable
like the flowers that bloom and fade.
- Thiruvalluvar

by Melina Del Mar

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I am thrilled to announce our first sponsor! Vitreous Eye-Jelly. A nutrition rich, food tub additive. (This sponsor is from the Kingdom.)

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