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Here’s a couple of pieces of mine! I like drawing fantasy creatures and creatures from folklore, skulls and animals ✨

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Intéressons-nous à L’Epître Othéa de Christine de Pizan. Allégorie où la déesse de la Prudence, Othéa, envoie une lettre au jeune Hector de Troie. Dieux, déesses, héros de mythologies, tous se confondent dans un ensemble de 100 textes ou courts poèmes

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A Neanderthal Cave site in Iraqi Kurdistan, Shanidar 4, revealed pollen of various plants in the soil next to human skeletons, pollen of plants that are still used as healing plants today, including Yarrow and Hollyhock.

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Narcissus was so attractive he was desired by all sexes. He rejected a man; Aminias. To punish him the gods had him fall in love with his own reflection, leading to him dying of heartache.

’Echo and Narcissus’ -


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In ancient lotus was a symbol of regeneration & resurrection. This meaning refers to the ability of the plant to close its flowers at sunset, to dive under water and to rise again from the water at sunrise. was considered sacred in ancient Egypt.

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According to legend bluebell woods are enchanted. Fairies use them to lure & trap the unwary in their nether world.
A bluebell ringing is a call to fairies to gather together, but if a human hears, they will die soon after.
Art Margaret Tarrant

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There is much folklore about how roses got their red colour. Many of these were tales of divine origins, like this from Herrick:

"'Tis said, as Cupid danced among the gods, he down the nectar flung,
Which on the white rose being shed, made it ever after red."

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Flora is the Roman goddess of flowers. She had a special garden which featured all of the mythological creatures who turned into flowers upon their deaths. Among them were Narcissus, Hyacinth, Ajax/larkspur, Clytie/sunflower & Adonis/anemone.
Img Luca Giordano

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🌿💘🌿Yarrow herb love divination... pluck a sprig at the new moon, place it under your pillow saying:
"Good night, fair Yarrow
Thrice good night to thee
I hope before tomorrow's dawn
My true love I shall see"
...& your future spouse will appear in your dreams!

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Wild thyme gathered from a fairy hill will enable you to glimpse the fairy world. Placed under your pillow, it will keep away the night mare.

Art: Henry Fuseli -The Nightmare

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In the folklore vampires are normal humans in the day light.

In Bram Stroker's Dracula, Count Dracula was less powerful during the day, like Vamdemon's power is cut in half during daytime.

Thanks to the X-Antibody, Vamdemon X have is full power even in the sunlight!!

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In fact my very first drawing of Maeve looked more like she did in folklore, and we chose to switch it up more to make her look more like a Supe.

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hello i’m Brogan! i’m big into folklore and anything slightly spooky 👀✨

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Hi! I'm Tahanie, an artist and a POC who tries to use her love of her own diversity in her artwork. My favorite subjects are folklore and women!

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manananggals playing volleyball would be really unfair right?

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