It's (Sea Sprites in Flight, John Anster Fitzgerald)

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It's (Rubens, The Fall of Icarus)

4 16

It's (Adrienne Segur, illustration from "Kip, the Enchanted Cat")

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It's (François-Xavier Fabre, Oedipus and the Sphinx)

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Welcome to another Let's talk about the mysterious, elusive goddess that inspired Maeve: The Morrígan.

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Thank you to for sending this finished piece of Éithne & Effie taking on the ferocious Scottish creature, the Beithir, for Who’d love to see an animated spin off series, or graphic novels?

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It's (Théodore Chassériau, Banquo's Ghost)

3 10

Thanks for another great session, This is Crystal signing off. The amazing will join in just a bit for today’s last session. Here's one of my all-time favorites! See you next week my friends! (Image: Mary Read/Unknown Author)

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It's (A Crowned Merman, Arthur Rackham)

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It’s the best day of the week, This is Crystal excited to host another session. Thanks to for hosting before our break. Our theme this week is the folklore of art, colors, and creativity! Put on your beret and tweet away! (Img: J. Bauer)

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Hello again, This is Crystal logging on for another magical session. Thanks to for hosting before our break. Our theme this week is the folklore of fairies, the fae and little people! I can’t wait to share your tweets! (Img: Robert Bell)

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It's [Ukko, Finnish god of sky, weather, harvest, and thunder, by Robert Ekman]

4 18

Today, I learned that we have many foodies amongst us, You all rock! This is Crystal signing off and running toward the pantry. The ever awesome will join on at 6:30 BST for today’s last session. Enjoy your week! (Image: Sleepy Art)

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It's [The Witches Sabbath, by Frans Francken]

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I’m off, This is Crystal waving goodbye from the innerwebs. will join on at 6:30 BST for today’s last session. One of my favs: “The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me,” –Ayn Rand (Image: Richard Wilson)

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It’s the best time of the week, Crystal back to share some more of your great lore. A hat tip to for hosting before our break. This week’s theme is the folklore of women in honor of TWEET! (Image: Cecile Walton)

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It's [Jacob Peter Gowy, The Fall of Icarus]

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Hello again, This is Crystal signing on as your next host. Thanks to our previous host for sharing all your wonderful stories and lore. This week’s theme is favourite folktales and fairy tales! Tweet your hearts out! (Image: W.J. Morgan)

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