画質 高画質

Someone got caught stealing a midnight snack

(Part of my fairy sbi au)

65 854


5 17

Mmm another thing idk if I’ll finish cause I dislike painting

47 380

people seem to really like my uriel design. i wonder why

3 26

bina being very inconsistent with her designs:
Behold, the evolution of roomies!auby + da boiz

30 231

I was just having fun with a doodle on paper and it ended up being a full drawing (the bg wasn't made by me it's a simple photo i had on my gallery). Hope you guys like it! Also, did an alt with aubrey with no pink hair nor contact lenses.

10 31

hate this but i did it for school so i didnt draw in the knife and ew hate this


6 21

I just…. He’s just a lil’ guy and I’m love him

11 70

i posted this on tumblr already!! so i may as well post it here!!!

2 9

🐱🔪 surpriiiise

373 1877