画質 高画質

This is a fan art drawing that i made in sketch and in digital based on a app game called Mystic Messenger

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happy birthday to yoosung🎉🎂✨

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어제 자기전에 다 그리고난 직후에 뻗어버려서 못 올리고 자버렸다^*^...🌟
구미호 707 만세입니다!!!!👍💕

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(spits more MM doodles at you) BLEH! TAKE IT!

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성우님이 어글리 스웨터 입은 적 있으시길래 세란이 입혔다
옷에 방울 달려서 딸랑딸랑 했움
(The Ugly Sweater that the voice actor of Saeran actually wears)

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Actually, I want to draw MC with him... Maybe someday...

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Happy birthday to Yoosung!🌟🌟🎊

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유성이 생일 축하해ㅜㅡ 그린게ㅜ없어서 예전거라두ㅜㅜ 캐주얼애들사랑함

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Happy birthday to my brightest star 🌟

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