Some of my recent drawings with Saeran, I think it's also not bad to post this sweetheart here as well >_<

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some mc sprites i drew from like—may? ive made some more expressions but i was too lazy to finish them-

anyway jaehee's birthday art is so pretty jshdhsjdhdh

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some ashe's from these past few months ♡ i need to draw her more!

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Las aventuras de Samasu trapito y Zen heterosexualidad débil (?)

Tenía ganas de dibujar esto jsjs Siempre me he preguntado cómo reaccionaría Zen a mi modo tomboy trapito machirulo(?)

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Espero que pasen un feliz día al lado de sus seres queridos y coman rico
Merry Christmas

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Hades and Persephone, but with my Mystic messenger Mc and Yoosung. Color scheme is based on my favorite version of events in .

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