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"Charlie and the Child Labor Factory"

November 20th is Intl Day of the Child/#WorldChildrensDay. 2021 is Intl Year for the Elimination of Child Labor.

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// politics , election

my gallery just said Biden being in the lead is happy. PogChamp

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my 8 year olds first political cartoon

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Funny political art.

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Afraid the bedrock of our democracy is under threat? Draw an avenger to go kick Donald trump’s ass. Which avenger would you choose?

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Politic is almost non-objectiv.

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The Politician Husbandという作品に出てくるDTさんの顔したエイデンホインスという政治家と、MSさんの顔したイマジナリー記者さんの幻覚です。表になにか置けないかなと思って描いた。(裏にはそれなりにある)

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American politics has taken up a large chunk of my life for the past 4 years. I may finally be able to give it a rest and find something else to occupy my days. I would have voted for Bernie Sanders btw

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cw // US politics , election

Georgia right now be like:

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is coming to you next November 11th in your Local Comicbook Store… via

No matter how the other goes, be sure to check out the political thriller comic book.

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