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Dear Reader 🎃Candy Confidential & Pumpkin Pain - https://t.co/UghMfoXxqg

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Pulling up her skirt as soon as the reader walk into the room. Giggling she winks at the leader as she licks the mess off her fingers.

“Oh darling you’re home! I was…..umm…..”

A deep blush overtake her face.

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"I could fix him" ft dokja and junghyeok

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So when me and my friends would read weird reader-insert fanfic, we’ve taken to calling the main character ‘Reader-chan’, and today, I decided to design Reader-chan.

Hide your waifus/husbandos, she’s going to seduce all of them. None of your faves are safe from her charm.

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Due to popular demand, Kuaikan is planning to sell dolls of Xia Xingcheng and Yang Youming! They're currently hosting a poll on which styles (home vs sporty look) & sizes (40cm vs 70cm) the readers want them to be.

Voting info on tweet below!

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next ad•just episode will be up tomorroooooow~ (۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶
(I'm also a little bit in love with Jon facial expressions in this one! As he isn't talking this is the only way of making his thoughts clear to the reader without using any text at all, which can be tough at times!)

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Dear Reader 🎃Candy Confidential & Pumpkin Pain - https://t.co/a2s1ALsQpn

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Gives (the reader) a Wall-nut

"It's National Nut Day, so here have a nut."

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Yesterday (22/10) was my birthday! So I drew JD ft pomeranian biyoo for myself 🤧 Late but Happy (belated) Birthday to the others as well! 💐🍰✨ (also yes I love yjh nuzzling onto kdj)

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"“I don’t know what you are doing…” Her voice brushed his lips, warm, tempting, barely holding back the heartbeat behind the sway of her hips. “But I don’t think I can keep myself sane anymore.”" -Endless Essence

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