画質 高画質

Finally yay~♪

(looks guiltily away from my Schwarz and Rosa that I haven't E2'd yet...)

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fazer desenhos com vários tons de rosa é comigo mesmo q

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I love this cosplay but I cant remember the tik tok account 😅

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Despite him being a major playboy, he still feels sorry for himself after his demonic actions towards Rosa in the past. She wants zero contact with him and cut every social interaction with him Mora is in it because Happy Moo New Years lol Art by /

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AAAAAH, my new oc. I fell in love with her <333 Design and base is by Zuzia Rosa, the small drawings, small design changes, outfit and head is by me. She might be my secondsona...

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rosa was more of the characters I neglected to draw the most when I drew ff4 more often but what was I thinking, she's really fun

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Pequeño coso para bocetear de la caramelito rosa. ♥

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🏈 All right fellas, show me your favorite arts that used Purple or Pink

⚽ Certo parças, me mostrem suas artes favoritas que usaram Roxo ou Rosa

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My BS fanchilds 💕💙

-Cherry: Sholt (Shelly x Colt)
-Arro: Bock (Brock x Bo)
-Helios: Bullam (Bull x Pam)
-Mothy: Rosimo (Rosa x El Primo)


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Soy fan del refugio no hace muchos, y hoy quise hacer unos cuantos fanart con el celular. Aunque tuve una paleta de colores un poco limitada (no tenía rosa unu) me quedaron FACHAAAA.

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Feliz cumple/Happy Birthday aqui estas con mama Rosa

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yo: tomando limonada rosa
mis cosas: Automáticamente son ácidamente rosa

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Finalmente tá terminado o desenho da

As características dela vão estar nos outros tweets! Pessoal, adoraria que vocês desenhassem ela e, por favor, me que me marcassem quando fossem postar. 🍒

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