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Yui. One letter off from You. As in You Watanabe also from LL Sunshine. They're kinda the same too tbh?! Similar design at the very least. I think You is a bit more tempered. Where as Yui is a "shoot first, ask questions later" kinda gal who's got a ton of strength.

0 2

Quick redraw/redesign of a DnD peep I'm going to use for a one shot
Sashi Mie, a triton swashbuckler with a very short temper🍣

42 192

This is my character Krysilomn Yemi! He's mixed race (human, air genasi, dwarf, drow, ect.) And is a tempest Cleric of Selune! He's an anarchist that wants to abolish the nobility but it also a very sweet and hopeful boy.

Piece two by
Piece three by

1 3

Oh my! A new episode has been added to Tempest! Check it out here;

1 5

Marina Washburn and friends found that Alaskan bidarki Increases grazing during warming events. They did not found changes in their shell composition due to the temperature stresses in short time scales.

0 3

Bella tempests di macellazione
クリミナーレ! テンペスタ

0 10

"They call her Stacy, but that's not her name."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My card for the the card is 'Temperance' with Shakäste from
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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This is Luscious Boar! My short temper bouncer hrothgar. Don't let his tough exterior fool you. This angry gangstar of a cat may take his job very serious but outside of work he's a big ol' goofball. X3

44 127

maps are on a roll ! Now in 2020. A map on causes and effects: temperature anomaly, snowmelt, peat and permafrost, fires occurrences, and black carbon emissions. Work in progress😃 planning on a graphic at the bottom explaining the risk of zombie fires.

27 64

💖Commission for Ninestempest on FA!

💖Commissions are open! See link in pinned

0 4

Yeah. This is a few days old.
But it's never too late to post
it again. 👉👈 !

Reverse au idea by @/ExplxsiveTemper

2 25

My first attemped with ibispaint
I still have a little trouble understanding all the tools😅

0 4

Kid -> Teen -> Current!
Erratic Kid who just wanted to be friends with everyone but had a /temper/ (Its a WONDER no one knew I had ADHD)
Edgy Emo Weeb Whomst Developed Anxiety + Depression because of Social Rejection TM + "below average" academic ability
Currently ????? https://t.co/S2EsmdE93z

0 1

and of course can't have one without the other~♥ Gate's body temperature is pretty high so when he's feeling feels he tends to steam up in cold weather~♥♥

Gate belongs to

2 15

This is Lucky.
Orphan, scrapped for food as a kid, was taken in by an old man who owned a local library. She lived there growing up and became obsessed with reading.

Characteristics: has a foul mouth, temper, is very protective of her library, reads a lot despite being a brute.

1 9

I wanted an electric/ice type so I made one based on how people came up with a way to induce subzero kalvin temperatures by inverting the boltzmann distribution.

Also, it's really fast.

0 9

The aggressive character and explosive temperament are perfect for
Today, perhaps many players like Akali precisely because of her history with bands (the popularity of 's whose voice is sung and rapped by the champion, also helps).

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