No debrief this week but here's what to expect next in

- Opening of Farmerz portal -> $WORM
- Launch of Buildz/Moz Bar/Fumoirz
- New staking contract
- Introduction of $XFLSH

2023 will be Legendary for skullz!
Wish you all a HNY!

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Everything in has a reason and a place! The rainbow vomit has been chosen today by Santaz as one of the most original attributes!🌈

⚠️No action needed! A snapshot has been taken and the $FLSH will be airdropped to your wallet!

🎄10 dayz until Xmaz!

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The Advent calendar is here! 📅

This year Santa's bringing gifts for everyone! 🎁

Every day from now until Xmaz we'll reward one different attribute!

💰A pool of 10K $FLSH per day will be split between the holders of the attribute!

It's Xmaz time in SkullzCity 🎄

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Entering the Fighting Portalz is a fun adventure. Life is so exciting in 🔥

Bonez up if you agree! ☠️

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The Fighting Portalz is opened and it’s full of Humanz on the other side 👀

Humanz = FLSH 🥩 and FLSH is in high demand in ☠️

Waste no time and St(e)ak your Skullz! See you on the other side!

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To have a Monkey as pet is something rare even in 💀 The chances to encounter another with a monkey are below 1% 🤩

We wonder now if they can be of help in the Fighting Portalz 🤔

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Everyone is talking about the Fumoirz and Moz’s bar, but have you met Moz?

Maybe you live on the same street in ☠️

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Now everyone is using the $rFLSH to unlock Slotz or Squdz.

But later, a new purpose will be attributed to the rFLSH and everyone in will have the option to burn the rFLSH in the Barbeqz in order to mint Bonez token ($BNZ) 👀

This is just the beginning🔥

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know that the multiverse is real and Frank has experienced on his own the worldz different dimensions 💀

Now it seems that Dr. Strangez has also passed through in his Multiverze of Madnezz.

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It’s been a long and productive week (in 🥩) for some ☠️

It’s Saturday in and some Skullz took a day off to relax in Moz’s bar, while others are still fighting to increase the Multiplier 🤩

Which one are you?

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Did you know that there are only 1000 Epic from the entire collection of 6666 MadSkullz NFTs ☠️?

How many do you own 👀?

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GM ☠️

Stretch your bonez and get ready for some action in the Earth Portalz 🔪

counts on you! Fight for your freedomz!

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were just getting familiar with this peculiar Humanz world Portalz and it seems that another Portalz could open at any time in ☠️

Are there any Skullz who know what this is about?😱

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The weekend is here but not everyone can have a day off…

The Portalz is opened and must be defended ☠️The enemy does not sleep!

Skullz, keep your eyez open and bring home some $FLSH 🥩

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Excited about the grand opening of ☠️?

We can’t wait to see you all on the other side 👀

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“Come on, come on, turn the radio on, It’s Saturday, and it won’t be long” 🎶

Let’s begin the weekend on a positive note.

Every Skullz has different taste in music and all are respected in but on the weekendz we are partying together 🥳

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Everyone knows that is the real-verse!

All important decisions concerning the city’s future are decided in Parliamentz by the votez of the 🍼 the first citizenz of the city and the real

Join them! It’s never too late to become a Believerz.

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We did it SkullZ Family!! Hulkz has officially sold out!

Now, you can only get your SkullZ in secondary market places!

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At least there’s no traffic jam in and no one is working from home ☠️

Life is amazing among Skullz 💀

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I don’t know about you, but this seems to be living among the starz ✨ You can see the happiness in his eyes.

Life is magic in ☠️

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