Pov: Cyan Coyotes in dogdebolt and Queen of hearts locked her eyes on on you
Congrats to Falsesymmetry and Aqua Axolotls! 🙏👑👏

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False Symmetry for Mole Society.

She’s a Merlin’s Falcon Avian, vaguely inspired by aviatrixes in the 1920s.

She needs some polishing up, but I like her so far!

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Some fanart for au for toh. I adore the hair in this picture, and the au.

2 10

【JAN 5th & 6th】false & gem
im sorry for one day late and only one for each! backing home is tired and i have to spend my whole day time with family(;´д`)ゞ

41 167

Repost admit is an idiot / [112]
the only thing that you gotta know, is that I do what it takes, do what it takes!
Gotta bring em down to take control, im gonna do wait it takes, do what it takes!

8 30