Lagiacrus, Sea Wyvern

350 1945

FINALE Chapter 20
ラージャン vs イビルジョー
Rajang Vs Deviljho Chapter

Finally after 2 years, I can finally ends this series!
it's up and down, lot to learn, many references used, but it's a happy journey
Hope you enjoy the whole series!

Part 1/2

38 211

MH2(ドス) 19周年! 👏
クシャルダオラ / Kushala Daora

66 483

Lucent Nargacuga

68 569

The White Wraith

鎖刃竜 , アルシュベルド
Chain Blade Wyvern, Arkveld

334 2952

[ 🌟Update Chapter 19]
縄張り争い , ラージャン vs イビルジョー CH 19
Rajang Vs Deviljho Chapter 19

Ch 20 (Finale) in February!

20 129


25 146

Safi'Jiiva / ムフェト・ジーヴァ

Thank you Friend A for Commissioning me,
Such an honor and pleasure to be able to draw The Red Dragon for you.

107 670

Lucent Nargacuga

233 2128

Trio Invaders
Furious Rajang, Savage Deviljho, Seething Bazelgeuse
激昂したラージャン, 怒り喰らうイビルジョー, 紅蓮滾るバゼルギウス

60 344

waiting ultil the MHWILDS OBT Crossplay Playable tomorrow, here my Arkveld illustration to Celebrate it!

Enjoy the OBT with our friend Hunters!

40 165

縄張り争い , ラージャン vs イビルジョー CH 17

Rajang Vs Deviljho Chapter 17

pg 5/5

2 19

縄張り争い , ラージャン vs イビルジョー CH 17

Rajang Vs Deviljho Chapter 17
pg 4/5

7 64

Kushala Daora

57 537