At long last the eighth and FINAL CHAPTER of Count Your Teeth is out! The saga concludes~! Kudos & comments welcome! ⛓️💗

HUGE ありがとう to for their stunning illustration!🤩

11 54

Chapter 6 of "Count Your Teeth" is out! Ches and Glam have a visitor.😈💵

Thank you for the illustration!

5 57

Chapter 5 of "Count Your Teeth" is out! Glam falls into the routine of his new life, with all its highs...and lows.

3 38

Our second Metal Family fic "Heroic Dose" is out! A psychedelic ride, sure to make you feel as high as Ches🧄 & Glam🎻!

Thank you for the comic that first inspired it!🌈

10 64

Who's the most fabulous mermaid on the seabed?🌚
YEAH!!! I made it in time! Lil' AU for the challenge

19 163

Версия на русском✨

Когда решил показать братишке вид с крыши, на которой вам абсолютно точно нельзя находиться, но кому какое дело 👍

4 45

When you decided to show your lil' bro the view from the roof you're absolutely not not allowed to be on but who cares👍

22 136

I'm going to start doing small sketches like Alina.💕
It's just for fun so there's not going to be many of them. I saw the sketch on the new notebooks & I HAD TO sketch this.💕

14 221

The strong wife.😏👌💕
Сильная жена. 😏👌💕

20 225

Смущающиеся булочки ✨

,#metal_family ,#МеталлСемья

2 11