観れば観る程、伏線やタネや仕掛けが見えてきてもう1回…もう1回だ…!ってなるし、瞬きする暇がコンマ1秒もないっ💥ってくらい さんが常に最高のスクリーン映えしてて脳が死ぬ😇💕

59 161

It was a very exciting day and a very hearty day.😇💥

I was impressed by Prabhas's actions, acting and all of them.
I will love Prabhas for a lifetime.😭💕

100 256

I am really looking forward to all the upcoming works.🥰
Thank you for the wonderful news.🙏✨

28 97


I sincerely believe that this movie will be a great success and its release in Japan.🙏✨



32 116