Reposting these two pieces bc of umineko 15 birthday.... Umineko meant a lot to me in a lot of ways :_) I'm very excited!!

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Happy 15th Birthday to Umineko!!

Love this franchise, the characters, soundtrack and the story, all of it are so great, I gotta re-read it sometime.

Here's some fanarts I did, def gotta draw more!

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I know Im late for this but I cant just ignore the 15th anniversary of the best visual novel ever made 😭🦋
✨Happy 15th anniversary umineko✨🍰and what can I say except:
🎶thank you for being born🎶

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Happy 15th birthday to the greatest story ever told, if you only take one recommendation from me in your life I hope it's that you'll play this game from start to finish (with the 07th mod for full voice acting and extra CGs)

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!! Beware Spoilers !!

Happy Birthday to Umineko!!!

So happy I have given this Visual Novel a go, it was, and always will be one of my fav stories.

Some of my fav pieces to celebrate:

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中学生の頃にひぐらし漫画を見てたワイに母が続編らしいよって言って買ってきてくれたうみねこEP1一巻を読んでからずっと沼です サウンドノベルの面白さを知ることが出来ました うみねこ最高

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何とかしてうみねこのなく頃にの魅力を多くの方に伝えることが夢の1つです!!! もうほんとに大好きだ………


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Umineko is 15 years old today🥺 Happy anniversary!🎂🎉 I love you so much....💛

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