(GMT +8:00) Wednesday! Last Wednesday of September. Nazrin has a drunken dream of the girls and holding a concert together... Good thing Shou's around and sober... or was she?

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(GMT +8:00) Autumn Wednesday! Nazrin shares her new magic kite which can expand a little when in the air... but then a certain yokai umbrella shows up. Not the best way to scare people, Kogasa...

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(GMT +8:00) Wednesday Cirno day! It's her day and she's giving everyone an ice cold treat... but rather unsafe! You should have waited till After 9, Nazrin!

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(GMT +8:00) Wednesday... After that quick stop, Nazrin has gone to Nitori's lab and is presented the new prototype DDR. Though it looks like someone splurged money too soon and resorted to trading stolen goods...

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(GMT +8:00) Nazrin learns to play Uno! but quickly learns how brutal custom cards can be. Who could have written such a daring custom card?

Have a good July ahead my dudes.

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(GMT +8:00) Nazrin has been learning some moves from Shou and has decided to go to a real expert! Perhaps she will be taking a new apprentice as well...?

Have a good rest of the week folks!

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