Yesterday, 7/24, would've marked 2 years since her debut.

6 33


3 15

A few minutes late, but thanks for everything.

20 102

My 8 months progress of drawing vtubers~!!! 💜✨

Sept 2020 -> April 2021

22 161

is this really mint, here is meme
yuma is hot

3 14

Thank you for everything mint we’re gonna miss you
Art @/SerMeemer

7 46

Otsuminto!! 💙💚 I love you so much. I'm so happy to be your fairy godmother~ 👻🌷#ミント心霊写真

70 415

It's a good time to take off that uniform and relax, you are not a maid anymore, you are tenshi now!. thank you for all the laughs mint!, keep your chin up and move forward, you made us very happy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

3 14


152 781

To the ghost maid that lifted up a lot of spirits (pun not intended I swear). I hope you enjoy your stay in heaven, I heard that anything is possible in there, I think you know what that means... (CHOCO MINTO ICEEEEEEEEEE!)

Have fun, and we all love you mint <3.

22 138

Thank you for being such a bundle of joy, it's really sad seeing someone as talented as you go, but I'll be cheering you on in your future endeavors!

Take care of yourself 💕

79 571

I said I was gonna draw in a Trés Bien uniform to make up for skipping Recipe for Turnabout, and DANGIT if I wasn't going to deliver!!! We'll miss you Mint!!!!!! We all love you so much- good luck!! QwQ

22 105